Slightly modified

Maybe we were together in another life
Maybe we are together in a parallel universe
Maybe our paths were not supposed to cross twice
Maybe your arms are not supposed to go around me
I hear about you now and then
I wonder where you are and how you feel
Sometimes I walk by and I look up to your balcony
Just to make sure that you were real
Just to make sure that I can still feel you

When I see you again
As I always do
It appears to me that
Destiny rules
And the spirits are ruthless with the paths they choose
It’s not being together
It’s just following the rules
No one’s a fool.

Two weeks in a foreign country, how the time flew
I didn’t speak the language, but somehow I knew
That that would be the only time that we could be alone and foolish
We said we’d never come home.

I like the coastal lines, I like the lights
I like the way the places blend into the ocean at night
It’s like living on a working river; the coastline is glittering
Like a diamond snake in a black sky

Just following the rules, no one’s a fool

(Derived from Destiny Rules by Fleetwood Mac)

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