Came across this one on the internet yesterday.
A kid I overheard at the grocery store:
»I’m gonna get my brain taken out so I can just relax.«Same, kid. Same.
Couldn’t help feeling a sympathetic smile on my own face. Know that so well these days.
Jack-in-the-box-day. Is there anything as a pop-up-person jumping at you at the very moment you managed to live without? Sure. At least in my life. Not yet decided how to deal with that – or even if there is anything to decide. Makes me think of a part of a song text.
Stand by the stairway, you’ll see something certain to tell you
Confusion has its cost
Love isn’t lying, it’s loose in a lady who lingers
Saying she is lost
And choking on hello
So much for today. And if you don’t get it, feel comforted. I do not get it either. Not yet.